Saturday, April 25, 2009

Why people write poetry?

I hated poetry right since I had it in my English syllabus. So I decided to get to the root of the problem and tried to understand why people write poetry. In my opinion some of the reasons are :
1) They are jobless
2) They have a lot of spare stationery at home
3) They cannot write proper sentences i.e. you cannot understand it unless someone explains it to you (you cannot question the understanding of the person explaining it)
I also googled this topic and hit on a fantastic article. Here is the excerpt:
What a boring subject, Poetry! I could never understand why anyone would like to write or read poetry. The idea of a person that has nothing to do but ponder on life's experiences of happiness, life, death or sorrow and put in to lyrics makes me feel that either that author has nothing better to do in life (flaky), maybe he/she is crazy or even a whiner. When I think of poetry, it reminds me of a satirical recording done in the early 70's by two comedians, Cheech and Chong, "The Big Bambu' ". In that recording a character, Sister Mary Elephant decided to recite a poem. As the good sister started off with the first verse, "The birds fly to the apple tree, the bumble bee kissed the flower tree", the class starts to fall asleep, with auditable snoring. Eventually, Sister Mary Elephant is annoyed by the snoring and yells, "Class, Class, Wake Up"!! That was classically humorous. What's really funny about poetry is that most people I spoke to have the same feeling about it. Their perception of poetry, as well as mine, is like listening to flowery words of love that its purpose is to bring warm fuzziness to the reader.
Couldnt have put it better!!!! If shakespeare, shelly, Wordsworth are alive today they should be subject to 302 of the Indian Penal code!

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